FORS Clients- Driver & Fleet UpdatePlease answer the following questions to advise us on any driver or fleet changes.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Company Name *1. Have there been any changes to your FORS fleet or drivers? e.g. anyone left the business, anyone joined the business, any vehicles removed or added? *YesNo2. What changes have been made to your fleet? Tick all that applyVehicle(s) removedVehicle(s) addedDriver(s) removedDriver(s) added3. What is the vehicle(s) registration that has been REMOVED from the fleet? *4. What is the Vehicle(s) registration, model and GVW of the vehicle that has been ADDED to the fleet? *5. Please list below the full name(s) of the drivers that have left the company *6. Please list below the full name(s) and driving licence of the drivers that have joined the company *7. Do you require a 'New Starter Pack' to be emailed to you? *YesNo8. Are your drivers up to date with their Toolbox Talks? *YesNo9. Has your insurance been renewed this month? *YesNo10. If you have a new driver, have you checked the FORS Training they have completed? *YesNo11. Have you completed Eye Sight checks this month? Remember: Eye Sight checks must be completed every 6 months or after a blame worthy incident - please check! *YesNo12. Have you completed Driving Licences checks this month? Please note: License checks must be completed every 6 months - Please check! *YesNo13. Have you received any fines and charges? *YesNo14. Have you had any incidents / accidents? *YesNo15. Have you had any roadside stops by the Police / DVSA / TfL *YesNoSubmit